What Does the Bible Say About Woman Cutting Hair?


There has been a lot of debate over the years as to what does the bible say about woman cutting hair. Some women, out of tradition, do it for social reasons, while others feel it’s a biblical requirement because of the way women were treated in the past. The fact is there are many opinions on this topic. However, there are some truths to what does the bible say about woman cutting hair. For instance, in the Old Testament book of Genesis, the bible says that Adam in the beginning did not have the ability to have any hair on his body.

But, because of the fall of man, God told him to let his hair grow back. So, this became a requirement for all women, because it’s a symbol of beauty and sexuality. Therefore, what does the bible say about woman cutting hair? God says that in the beginning a woman should not be able to cut her hair. If a woman would cut her hair, then she might become a target for sexual assault.

In the New Testament book of Second Kings, it states that when Jesus returned from the dead, he restored the woman’s beauty by washing her hair. Therefore, what does the bible say about woman cutting hair? She should not cut her hair because of what men have done or will do to her.
